Cheang TY, Lei YY, href=",%20ZQ&ut=12118847&pos=3&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhang ZQ, href=",%20HY&ut=71770&pos=4&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhou HY, href=",%20RY&ut=3162905&pos=5&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Ye RY, href=",%20Y&ut=259338&pos=6&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Lin Y,Wang SM. Graphene oxide-hydroxyapatitenanocomposites effectively deliver HSV-TK suicide gene to inhibit human breastcancer growth. J Biomater Appl. 2018;33(2): 216-226. (共同第一作者)Zeng B, Lei Y, Zhu H, Luo S, Zhuang M, Su C, Zou J, Yang L, Luo H. Aurora-Ais a novel predictor of poor prognosis in patients with resected lung adenocarcinoma.Chin J Cancer Res. 2014 Apr; 26(2): 166-173. (共同第一作者)Zhen Y, Wu Q, Ding Y, Zhang W, Zhai Y,Lin X, Weng Y, Guo R, Zhang Y, Feng J, LeiY, Chen J. Exogenous hydrogen sulfide promotes hepatocellular carcinomacell growth by activating the STAT3-COX-2 signaling pathway. OncolLett. 2018 May; 15(5):6562-6570.(共同通讯作者)Chen TF, Xie CY, Rao BY, Shan SC, ZhangX, Zeng B, Lei YY, Luo HH. Surgical treatment to multiple primary lungcancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Surg.2019;19:185. (共同通讯作者)Tang YB, Lei YY, Huang S, Li ZY,Chen XT, Luo HH, Cheng C, Chen J, Zou XN, Chen X. Pristimerin exacerbatescellular injury in conditionally reprogrammed patient-derived lungadenocarcinoma cells by aggravating mitochondrial impairment and endoplasmicreticulum stress through EphB4/CDC42/N-WASP signaling. Oxid Med Cell Longev.2020. (共同第一作者)专著:《外科病理生理学》(参编)《围手术期病理生理与临床》(参编) ,基因检测,基因解码,基因解读,基因矫正,基因测序,基因体检,疾病,遗传疾病,医生,大夫,佳学医生,佳学注册,佳学登录,祖源" /> Cheang TY, Lei YY, href=",%20ZQ&ut=12118847&pos=3&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhang ZQ, href=",%20HY&ut=71770&pos=4&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhou HY, href=",%20RY&ut=3162905&pos=5&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Ye RY, href=",%20Y&ut=259338&pos=6&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Lin Y,Wang SM. Graphene oxide-hydroxyapatitenanocomposites effectively deliver HSV-TK suicide gene to inhibit human breastcancer growth. J Biomater Appl. 2018;33(2): 216-226. (共同第一作者)Zeng B, Lei Y, Zhu H, Luo S, Zhuang M, Su C, Zou J, Yang L, Luo H. Aurora-Ais a novel predictor of poor prognosis in patients with resected lung adenocarcinoma.Chin J Cancer Res. 2014 Apr; 26(2): 166-173. (共同第一作者)Zhen Y, Wu Q, Ding Y, Zhang W, Zhai Y,Lin X, Weng Y, Guo R, Zhang Y, Feng J, LeiY, Chen J. Exogenous hydrogen sulfide promotes hepatocellular carcinomacell growth by activating the STAT3-COX-2 signaling pathway. OncolLett. 2018 May; 15(5):6562-6570.(共同通讯作者)Chen TF, Xie CY, Rao BY, Shan SC, ZhangX, Zeng B, Lei YY, Luo HH. Surgical treatment to multiple primary lungcancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Surg.2019;19:185. (共同通讯作者)Tang YB, Lei YY, Huang S, Li ZY,Chen XT, Luo HH, Cheng C, Chen J, Zou XN, Chen X. Pristimerin exacerbatescellular injury in conditionally reprogrammed patient-derived lungadenocarcinoma cells by aggravating mitochondrial impairment and endoplasmicreticulum stress through EphB4/CDC42/N-WASP signaling. Oxid Med Cell Longev.2020. (共同第一作者)专著:《外科病理生理学》(参编)《围手术期病理生理与临床》(参编) " /> 雷艺炎 - 专家诊所 - 佳学医生
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医疗特长: 2007年毕业后一直从事胸外科临床及科研工作,对胸外科多种常见的良恶性疾病如肺癌、食道癌、纵隔疾病、气胸、支气管扩张、肺大庖、漏斗胸等的外科诊治具有较丰富的经验,尤其擅长胸部疾病的微创治疗,以及肺癌、食道癌以手术为主的多学科综合治疗。主持及参与国家级、省部级、厅局级及其他科研基金多项。发表SCI论文15余篇。研究方向:胸部肿瘤临床及基础研究,尤其是肺癌及食管癌相关的研究。主要教育和工作经历:2007年 中山大学外科学硕士毕业并留院工作2007年至2010年 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 住院医师2010年至2019年 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 主治医师2014年至2017年 中山大学外科学在职博士2019年至今 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 副主任医师社会兼职:广东省医学会微创外科学会胸心外科学组委员广东省医师协会胸外科医师分会ERAS学组委员世界华人肿瘤医师协会胸部肿瘤专业委员会委员海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会青年委员胸外科学院华南分院讲师论著:Lei Y, Xu Q, Zeng B, ZhangW, Zhen Y, Zhai Y, Cheng F, Mei W, Zheng D, Feng J, Lan J, Chen J. Angiotensin-(1-7)protects cardiomyocytes against high glucose-induced injuries through inhibitingreactive oxygen species-activated leptin-p38 mitogen-activated proteinkinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 pathways, but not theleptin-c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in vitro. J Diabetes Investig. 2017 Jul; 8(4): 434-445.Lei Y,Feng Y, Zeng B, Zhang X, Chen J, Zou J, Su C, Liu Z, Luo H, Zhang S. Effect ofProphylactic Thoracic Duct Ligation in Reducing the Incidence of PostoperativeChylothorax during Esophagectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 May 2.Lei Y,Zhen Y, Zhang W, Sun X, Lin X, Feng J, Luo H, Chen Z, Su C, Zeng B, Chen J. Exogenoushydrogen sulfide exerts proliferation, anti-apoptosis, angiopoiesis andmigration effects via activating HSP90 pathway in EC109 cells. Oncol Rep. 2016 Jun; 35(6): 3714-3720.LeiYY,Liu ZG, Yang WL. Negative correlation of cytoplasm TIMP3 with miR-222 indicatesa good prognosis for NSCLC. Onco TargetsTher.2018;11: 5551-5557. LeiYY,Feng YF, Zeng B, Zhang W, Xu Q, Cheng F, Lan J, Luo HH, Zou JYong, Chen ZG, SuCH, Zhen YL, Chen JF. Exogenous H2S promotes cancer progress via activatingJAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway in EC109 cells. Int J Clin Exp Patho. 2018; 11(7):3247-3256. Lei YY, Xu YF, Liu ZG.Estrogen receptor beta 2 inhibits growth of lung transplantation tumors in miceby upregulating P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Int JClin Exp Med. 2019;12(5):5598-605.Lu J, Pan Y, Xia X, Gu Y, Lei Y. Prognostic Significance of mTORand PTEN in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015: 417210. (通讯作者)Zeng B, Zhang X, Zhao JL, Wei ZW, Zhu HS,Fu MY, Zou DW, Feng YF, Luo HH, Lei YY. The role of DNMT1/hsa-miR-124-3p/BCAT1pathway in regulating growth and invasion of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.BMC cancer.2019 Jun;(19):609.(通讯作者)Feng YF, Lei YY, Lu JB, Xi SY, Zhang Y, Huang QT, Wu QL, Wang F. RIT1suppresses esophageal squamous cell carcinoma growth and metastasis andpredicts good prognosis. Cell Death Dis.2018Nov;9(11): 1085. (共同第一作者)Feng Y, Lei Y, Wu X, Huang Y, Rao H, Zhang Y, Wang F. GTF2I mutation frequentlyoccurs in more indolent thymic epithelial tumors and predicts better prognosis.Lung Cancer. 2017 Aug; 110: 48-52.(共同第一作者) href=",%20TY&ut=1532854&pos=1&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Cheang TY, Lei YY, href=",%20ZQ&ut=12118847&pos=3&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhang ZQ, href=",%20HY&ut=71770&pos=4&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhou HY, href=",%20RY&ut=3162905&pos=5&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Ye RY, href=",%20Y&ut=259338&pos=6&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Lin Y,Wang SM. Graphene oxide-hydroxyapatitenanocomposites effectively deliver HSV-TK suicide gene to inhibit human breastcancer growth. J Biomater Appl. 2018;33(2): 216-226. (共同第一作者)Zeng B, Lei Y, Zhu H, Luo S, Zhuang M, Su C, Zou J, Yang L, Luo H. Aurora-Ais a novel predictor of poor prognosis in patients with resected lung adenocarcinoma.Chin J Cancer Res. 2014 Apr; 26(2): 166-173. (共同第一作者)Zhen Y, Wu Q, Ding Y, Zhang W, Zhai Y,Lin X, Weng Y, Guo R, Zhang Y, Feng J, LeiY, Chen J. Exogenous hydrogen sulfide promotes hepatocellular carcinomacell growth by activating the STAT3-COX-2 signaling pathway. OncolLett. 2018 May; 15(5):6562-6570.(共同通讯作者)Chen TF, Xie CY, Rao BY, Shan SC, ZhangX, Zeng B, Lei YY, Luo HH. Surgical treatment to multiple primary lungcancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Surg.2019;19:185. (共同通讯作者)Tang YB, Lei YY, Huang S, Li ZY,Chen XT, Luo HH, Cheng C, Chen J, Zou XN, Chen X. Pristimerin exacerbatescellular injury in conditionally reprogrammed patient-derived lungadenocarcinoma cells by aggravating mitochondrial impairment and endoplasmicreticulum stress through EphB4/CDC42/N-WASP signaling. Oxid Med Cell Longev.2020. (共同第一作者)专著:《外科病理生理学》(参编)《围手术期病理生理与临床》(参编)
雷艺炎 —— 专家简介
医疗特长: 2007年毕业后一直从事胸外科临床及科研工作,对胸外科多种常见的良恶性疾病如肺癌、食道癌、纵隔疾病、气胸、支气管扩张、肺大庖、漏斗胸等的外科诊治具有较丰富的经验,尤其擅长胸部疾病的微创治疗,以及肺癌、食道癌以手术为主的多学科综合治疗。主持及参与国家级、省部级、厅局级及其他科研基金多项。发表SCI论文15余篇。研究方向:胸部肿瘤临床及基础研究,尤其是肺癌及食管癌相关的研究。主要教育和工作经历:2007年 中山大学外科学硕士毕业并留院工作2007年至2010年 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 住院医师2010年至2019年 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 主治医师2014年至2017年 中山大学外科学在职博士2019年至今 中山大学附属第一医院胸外科 副主任医师社会兼职:广东省医学会微创外科学会胸心外科学组委员广东省医师协会胸外科医师分会ERAS学组委员世界华人肿瘤医师协会胸部肿瘤专业委员会委员海峡两岸医药卫生交流协会青年委员胸外科学院华南分院讲师论著:Lei Y, Xu Q, Zeng B, ZhangW, Zhen Y, Zhai Y, Cheng F, Mei W, Zheng D, Feng J, Lan J, Chen J. Angiotensin-(1-7)protects cardiomyocytes against high glucose-induced injuries through inhibitingreactive oxygen species-activated leptin-p38 mitogen-activated proteinkinase/extracellular signal-regulated protein kinase 1/2 pathways, but not theleptin-c-Jun N-terminal kinase pathway in vitro. J Diabetes Investig. 2017 Jul; 8(4): 434-445.Lei Y,Feng Y, Zeng B, Zhang X, Chen J, Zou J, Su C, Liu Z, Luo H, Zhang S. Effect ofProphylactic Thoracic Duct Ligation in Reducing the Incidence of PostoperativeChylothorax during Esophagectomy: A Systematic Review and Meta-analysis. Thorac Cardiovasc Surg. 2017 May 2.Lei Y,Zhen Y, Zhang W, Sun X, Lin X, Feng J, Luo H, Chen Z, Su C, Zeng B, Chen J. Exogenoushydrogen sulfide exerts proliferation, anti-apoptosis, angiopoiesis andmigration effects via activating HSP90 pathway in EC109 cells. Oncol Rep. 2016 Jun; 35(6): 3714-3720.LeiYY,Liu ZG, Yang WL. Negative correlation of cytoplasm TIMP3 with miR-222 indicatesa good prognosis for NSCLC. Onco TargetsTher.2018;11: 5551-5557. LeiYY,Feng YF, Zeng B, Zhang W, Xu Q, Cheng F, Lan J, Luo HH, Zou JYong, Chen ZG, SuCH, Zhen YL, Chen JF. Exogenous H2S promotes cancer progress via activatingJAK2/STAT3 signaling pathway in EC109 cells. Int J Clin Exp Patho. 2018; 11(7):3247-3256. Lei YY, Xu YF, Liu ZG.Estrogen receptor beta 2 inhibits growth of lung transplantation tumors in miceby upregulating P38 mitogen-activated protein kinase. Int JClin Exp Med. 2019;12(5):5598-605.Lu J, Pan Y, Xia X, Gu Y, Lei Y. Prognostic Significance of mTORand PTEN in Patients with Esophageal Squamous Cell Carcinoma. Biomed Res Int. 2015; 2015: 417210. (通讯作者)Zeng B, Zhang X, Zhao JL, Wei ZW, Zhu HS,Fu MY, Zou DW, Feng YF, Luo HH, Lei YY. The role of DNMT1/hsa-miR-124-3p/BCAT1pathway in regulating growth and invasion of esophageal squamous cell carcinoma.BMC cancer.2019 Jun;(19):609.(通讯作者)Feng YF, Lei YY, Lu JB, Xi SY, Zhang Y, Huang QT, Wu QL, Wang F. RIT1suppresses esophageal squamous cell carcinoma growth and metastasis andpredicts good prognosis. Cell Death Dis.2018Nov;9(11): 1085. (共同第一作者)Feng Y, Lei Y, Wu X, Huang Y, Rao H, Zhang Y, Wang F. GTF2I mutation frequentlyoccurs in more indolent thymic epithelial tumors and predicts better prognosis.Lung Cancer. 2017 Aug; 110: 48-52.(共同第一作者) href=",%20TY&ut=1532854&pos=1&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Cheang TY, Lei YY, href=",%20ZQ&ut=12118847&pos=3&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhang ZQ, href=",%20HY&ut=71770&pos=4&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Zhou HY, href=",%20RY&ut=3162905&pos=5&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Ye RY, href=",%20Y&ut=259338&pos=6&excludeEventConfig=ExcludeIfFromFullRecPage" title="查找此作者的更多记录">Lin Y,Wang SM. Graphene oxide-hydroxyapatitenanocomposites effectively deliver HSV-TK suicide gene to inhibit human breastcancer growth. J Biomater Appl. 2018;33(2): 216-226. (共同第一作者)Zeng B, Lei Y, Zhu H, Luo S, Zhuang M, Su C, Zou J, Yang L, Luo H. Aurora-Ais a novel predictor of poor prognosis in patients with resected lung adenocarcinoma.Chin J Cancer Res. 2014 Apr; 26(2): 166-173. (共同第一作者)Zhen Y, Wu Q, Ding Y, Zhang W, Zhai Y,Lin X, Weng Y, Guo R, Zhang Y, Feng J, LeiY, Chen J. Exogenous hydrogen sulfide promotes hepatocellular carcinomacell growth by activating the STAT3-COX-2 signaling pathway. OncolLett. 2018 May; 15(5):6562-6570.(共同通讯作者)Chen TF, Xie CY, Rao BY, Shan SC, ZhangX, Zeng B, Lei YY, Luo HH. Surgical treatment to multiple primary lungcancer patients: a systematic review and meta-analysis. BMC Surg.2019;19:185. (共同通讯作者)Tang YB, Lei YY, Huang S, Li ZY,Chen XT, Luo HH, Cheng C, Chen J, Zou XN, Chen X. Pristimerin exacerbatescellular injury in conditionally reprogrammed patient-derived lungadenocarcinoma cells by aggravating mitochondrial impairment and endoplasmicreticulum stress through EphB4/CDC42/N-WASP signaling. Oxid Med Cell Longev.2020. (共同第一作者)专著:《外科病理生理学》(参编)《围手术期病理生理与临床》(参编)



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