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毕业时间:1986.7研究方向:细胞病理,肿瘤病理科研基金:社会兼职:获奖情况:论著:近5年(2004~2009年)在SCI收录期刊发表论文1. Yu L, Wang L, Zhong J,Chen S. Diagnostic Value of p16INK4A, Ki-67 and HPV L1 Capsid Protein Immunochemical Staining on Cell Blocks from Residual Liquid-Based Gynecologic Cytology Specimens.Cancer Cytopathol.2009(in press)2. Yu L, Wang L, Chen S. Toll-like receptors, inflammation and tumor in the human female reproductive tract. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2009 Jul;62(1):1-8. Review3. Yu L, Chen S. Toll-like receptors expressed in tumor cells: targets for therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008;57(9):1271-1278.4. Idowu BD, Al-Adnani M, O\'Donnell P, Yu L, Odell E, Diss T, Gale RE, Flanagan AM. A sensitive mutation-specific screening technique for GNAS1 mutations in cases of fibrous dysplasia: the first report of a codon 227 mutation in bone. Histopathology. 2007;50(6):691-704.5. Al-Adnani M, Idowu B, Yu L, Diss TC, Lam L, Gale RE, O\'Dell E, Flanagan AM. Detection of a new mutation in fibrous dysplasia using a modified site directed mutagenesis methodology. Journal of Pathology. 2005;207. Pages: 7-7, Suppl. S6. Al-Adnani M, Idowu B, Yu L, Diss TC, Gale RE, O\'Dell E, Flanagan AM. A simple and reliable method for the molecular diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia. Laboratory Investigation. 2005;85. Pages: 10A-11A, Suppl. 1专著:医疗专长:
余俐 —— 专家简介
毕业时间:1986.7研究方向:细胞病理,肿瘤病理科研基金:社会兼职:获奖情况:论著:近5年(2004~2009年)在SCI收录期刊发表论文1. Yu L, Wang L, Zhong J,Chen S. Diagnostic Value of p16INK4A, Ki-67 and HPV L1 Capsid Protein Immunochemical Staining on Cell Blocks from Residual Liquid-Based Gynecologic Cytology Specimens.Cancer Cytopathol.2009(in press)2. Yu L, Wang L, Chen S. Toll-like receptors, inflammation and tumor in the human female reproductive tract. Am J Reprod Immunol. 2009 Jul;62(1):1-8. Review3. Yu L, Chen S. Toll-like receptors expressed in tumor cells: targets for therapy. Cancer Immunol Immunother. 2008;57(9):1271-1278.4. Idowu BD, Al-Adnani M, O\'Donnell P, Yu L, Odell E, Diss T, Gale RE, Flanagan AM. A sensitive mutation-specific screening technique for GNAS1 mutations in cases of fibrous dysplasia: the first report of a codon 227 mutation in bone. Histopathology. 2007;50(6):691-704.5. Al-Adnani M, Idowu B, Yu L, Diss TC, Lam L, Gale RE, O\'Dell E, Flanagan AM. Detection of a new mutation in fibrous dysplasia using a modified site directed mutagenesis methodology. Journal of Pathology. 2005;207. Pages: 7-7, Suppl. S6. Al-Adnani M, Idowu B, Yu L, Diss TC, Gale RE, O\'Dell E, Flanagan AM. A simple and reliable method for the molecular diagnosis of fibrous dysplasia. Laboratory Investigation. 2005;85. Pages: 10A-11A, Suppl. 1专著:医疗专长:




jiyinjiema@163.com    102206

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