毕业院校: 1982年毕业于浙江大学医学院(原浙江医科大学)。擅长治疗: 擅长肺癌、食管癌、纵隔肿瘤、胸骨肿瘤及重症肌无力诊治;擅长各种除心血管外的胸部疾病及创伤的诊治。在肺癌早期诊断、肺癌及重症肌无力的外科治疗及整体治疗方面、胸内及纵隔大肿瘤手术治疗方面颇有建树,在肺癌手术治疗上推崇系统性淋巴清扫术。在省内较早开展了各种减创、微创手术(腋下小切口及胸腔镜手术)。独创的胸骨中段以及胸骨柄切除自体肋骨再植术取得了很好的临床效果。健康理念:生命在于运动 专家详细介绍: 1977年——1982年就读于浙江大学医学院(原浙江医科大学)临床医学系,毕业后留校附属二院心胸外科工作。 1998年晋升主任医师,2009年组建浙江大学医学院附属二院胸外科并担任科室行政主任。现任胸外科名誉主任,附属二院肺癌中心主任,博士生导师;浙江大学胸心外科学教育委员会副主任;浙江大学医药学部外科学(胸心外科)教授委员会委员。 一直从事胸外科专业的临床和基础研究。曾获浙江省“最佳医生”及“全国优秀中青年临床医学奖”等荣誉称号。主持完成及参与多项国家、省级科研课题,拥有国家专利一项,参与编写了5部书籍,迄今在国内外发表专业论著100多篇,其中以第一或通讯作者发表SCI收录论文45篇,国内论文34篇,获取省政府1-3等科技进步奖多项。 在肺癌、食道癌、重症肌无力、胸部或纵隔大肿瘤以及胸骨疾病等方面的外科手术及综合治疗上享有盛誉,在肺癌手术治疗上尤其推崇系统性淋巴清扫术。自1989年以来对重症肌无力的外科治疗和基础方面进行了系统的研究,1995年11月22日即完成了首例胸腔镜手术,此后又成功地开展了国际上独创的胸骨中段或胸骨柄切除自体肋骨移植胸骨重建术(被誉为柴氏手术)、以及单体位全腔镜食管癌Ivor Lewis手术,相关论文发表在美国及欧洲主要专业杂志上。是国内著名胸外科学专家,省内胸外科学主要学科带头人。主要学术兼职: 中国医师协会胸外科分会常委 全国胸部创伤外科专家委员会副主任委员 卫生部全国考评委员会胸外科内镜与微创专业委员会理事 中国医师协会胸外科内镜与微创专业委员会理事 世界内镜医师协会中国胸外科内镜与微创专业委员会理事 世界华人胸外科学会理事 中国医疗保健国际交流促进会胸外科分会委员; 浙江省医学会胸心血管外科分会副主任委员 浙江省医师协会胸外科分会副会长 浙江省抗癌协会理事 浙江省抗癌协会肺癌专业委员会副主任委员 浙江省抗癌协会食道癌专业委员会常委 浙江省中西医结合学会肿瘤专业委员会副主任委员 省中西医药学高评委及专业组专家库成员 国家及省医疗事故鉴定专家库成员', "第一作者或通讯作者SCI文章: 1. Adult Bochdalek hernia complicated with a perforated colon. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2005, 130:1729-1730. 2. Successful resection of osteosarcoma pulmonary metastasis extending into left side of heart under cardiopulmonary bypass: a case report. Chin Med J (Engl). 2002;115(11):1743-4. 3. Peripheral primitive neuroectodermal tumour of left ventricular wall origin: a rare case. Acta Cardiol 2007, 62:523-524. 4. Autogenous rib grafts for reconstruction of sternal defects after partial resection: a new surgical technique. Plast Reconstr Surg 2008, 121:353e-355e. 5. Spontaneous pneumomediastinum in adolescents. Chin Med J (Engl) 2007, 120:2329-2330. 6. A giant solitary fibrous tumor of the pleura. Chin Med J (Engl) 2013, 126:2999. 7. Giant fibrous tumours of the pleura with mucus secretion. Niger J Clin Pract 2013, 16:260-262. 8. Autogenous rib graft for reconstruction of sternal defects. J Thorac Dis 2014, 6:1851-1852. 9. An ectopic hamartomatous thymoma compressing left jugular vein. Niger J Clin Pract 2014, 17:814-816. 10. Single-position, minimally invasive Ivor Lewis oesophagectomy for lower thoracic oesophageal cancer. Eur J Cardiothorac Surg 2014, 46:1032-1034. 11. Protective effect of quercetin on lipopolysaccharide-induced acute lung injury in mice by inhibiting inflammatory cell influx. Exp Biol Med (Maywood) 2014, 239:1653-1662. 12. Autogenous rib grafts for reconstruction of the manubrium after resection: technical refinements and outcomes. J Thorac Cardiovasc Surg 2014, 148:2667-2672. 13. Histoplasmosis presenting with solitary pulmonary nodule: two cases mimicking pulmonary metastases. Niger J Clin Pract 2015, 18:304-306. 14. A rare desmoid tumor arising from the manubrium. J Cardiothorac Surg 2015, 10:33. 15. Pulmonary resection and systemic lymph node dissection in a patient with breast cancer who had a 33-year disease-free interval. World J Surg Oncol 2015, 13:150. 16. PD-L1 and Survival in Solid Tumors: A Meta-Analysis. PLoS One 2015, 10:e0131403. 17. Minimally invasive esophageal resection and intrathoracic anastomosis for lower thoracic esophageal cancer with single position. J Thorac Dis 2015, 7:1486-1488. 18. Vanishing lung syndrome of uncommon size. Am J Med Sci 2015, 349:e2. 19. Novel Strategy for Synchronous Multiple Primary Lung Cancer Displaying Unique Molecular Profiles. Ann Thorac Surg 2016, 101:e45-47. 20. Effective treatment with icotinib in lung adenocarcinoma with EGFR and ALK co-alterations and brain metastasis. Onco Targets Ther 2016, 9:6605-6608. 21. Prognostic role of STAT3 in solid tumors: a systematic review and meta-analysis. Oncotarget 2016, 7:19863-19883. 22. Delayed iatrogenic diaphragmatic hernia after thoracoscopic lobectomy. J Thorac Dis 2016, 8:E399-402. 23. Giant mediastinal schwannoma located in the lower right side of the chest. Niger J Clin Pract. 2016;19(5):678-80. 24. Inverse role of distinct subsets and distribution of macrophage in lung cancer prognosis: a meta-analysis. Oncotarget 2016, 7:40451-40460. 25. Vanishing Lung Syndrome With Air-Fluid Levels. Am J Med Sci 2016, 352:e1. 26. Complete remission of liver metastasis in a lung cancer patient with epidermal growth factor mutation achieved with Icotinib. Thorac Cancer 2016, 7:681-683. 27. Multiple primary lung cancer displaying different EGFR and PTEN molecular profiles. Oncotarget 2016, 7:81969-81971. 28. Left bronchial isomerism in a lung cancer patient undergoing right upper pulmonary lobectomy via a thoracoscope. Thorac Cancer 2017, 8:54-56. 29. Systematic review of CYFRA 21-1 as a prognostic indicator and its predictive correlation with clinicopathological features in Non-small Cell Lung Cancer: A meta-analysis. Oncotarget. 2017,17;8(3):4043-4050. 30. Prognostic role of cyclin B1 in solid tumors: a meta-analysis. Oncotarget 2017, 8:2224-2232. 31. Risk factors of lymph node metastasis in lung squamous cell carcinoma of 3 cm or less in diameter. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, 96:e7563. 32. Omental herniation through the diaphragmatic defect: Two cases mimicking mediastinal lipomas. Niger J Clin Pract. 2017;20(8):1044-1045. 33. Cushing's syndrome secondary to typical pulmonary carcinoid with mutation in BCOR gene: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, 96:e7870. 34. The addition of apatinib to gefitinib or icotinib for advanced non-small cell lung cancer with acquired resistance to first-generation epidermal growth factor receptor tyrosine kinase inhibitor: An assessment of effectiveness and safety. ANN ONCOL. 2017, (Meeting Abstract). 35. Improved Closure Technique for Uniportal Video-Assisted Thoracic Surgery: Double-Embedding Stitching Method. Ann Thorac Surg 2017, 104:1760-1761. 36. Crizotinib resistance overcome by ceritinib in an ALK-positive non-small cell lung cancer patient with brain metastases: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, 96:e8652. 37. Tonsillar metastasis of nonsmall cell lung cancer with G719S mutation in exon 18: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 2017, 96:e9003. 38. Retrospective study on video-assisted vs. open mediastinal lymphadenectomy for non-small cell lung cancer: a propensity-matched analysis. J Thorac Dis 2018, 10:1884-1890. 39. Histologic transformation from adenocarcinoma to both small cell lung cancer and squamous cell carcinoma after treatment with gefitinib: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore). 2018 ;97(18):e0650. 40. Staging resection of multiple primary esophageal cancer by endoscopic submucosal dissection and esophagectomy: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97:e0657. 41. Pulmonary extranodal marginal zone B-cell lymphoma of mucosa-associated lymph tissue: A case report and literature review. Niger J Clin Pract. 2018;21(3):392-394. 42. Reduced complexity of uniportal video-assisted thoracoscopic left upper sleeve lobectomy. J Thorac Dis 2018, 10:3791-3796. 43. Prognostic role of targeting protein for Xklp2 in solid tumors: A PRISMA-compliant systematic review and meta-analysis. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97:e13018. 44. Novel T-Shaped Linear-Stapled Intrathoracic Esophagogastric Anastomosis With a Little Improvement. Ann Thorac Surg 2018, 106:939-940. 45. Effective treatment of advanced alveolar soft part sarcoma with sunitinib: A case report. Medicine (Baltimore) 2018, 97:e13584 国内论文:略", '专家邮箱:chai_y@126.com